Hey blog!
It’s time for another project—yay! The CCR!!! The first question we need to tackle is: How does your product use or challenge conventions and ho
w does it represent social groups or issues? In this blog post, I’ll give you an overview of what I plan to discuss and how I’m going to approach this question. I’ll script the detailed answer later on.
Challenging Conventions in My 70s Film
Our film takes place in the fabulous 70s, where disco and bell-bottoms were popular. But instead of following the typical film conventions of that era, our film takes a different path. Our protagonist, Lilly, is not your average 70s damsel in distress. She’s strong, independent. While many 70s films showcased women in traditional roles, Lilly is out there breaking barriers and challenging stereotypes.
Our film aims to represent the shift in social dynamics that started gaining momentum in the 70s. Women were stepping out of the shadows and making their mark, and we wanted Lilly to embody that spirit. She’s not waiting for a man to save her—she’s the hero of her own story. However, she in a way conforms to the damsel in distress due to the wealthy lavish life she lives. She is always sheltered and doesn't experience much danger. Therefore, I envision later in the film she will break out of this shell.
Web's Most Searched Questions Format
To make this CCR more engaging, I’ve decided to present it in the style of the Web's Most Searched Questions format. This means I’ll be asking and answering a series of little questions related to my film to effortlessly tackle the main question. Creating a fun board and setting it up has been an absolute blast.
Imagine a colorful board with questions like: "Why does Lilly not conform to normal norm and in what ways does she?", "How did the 70s influence the film's aesthetics?", and "What social issues does the film address?" By breaking down the big question into bite-sized pieces, I can cover all the important points in a fun and interactive way. Plus, it gives me a chance to add some humor and personality to my answers.
I also want the background to be totally white like the celebrities surroundings when they are answering the questions to replicate it better.
Perfect example of what I am aiming for. I want to and create the board to answer my own questions. I will probably make a board full of questions next week.
In conclusion, this CCR isn’t just about answering a question—it’s about reflecting on the creative choices and how they resonate with the audience. By challenging conventions and representing a strong, independent female lead, we hope to bring a fresh perspective to the 70s era. I’m really looking forward to scripting this out and seeing how it all comes together.
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