Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Camera Shots Quiz

For the initiation of this course, we were given a unique assignment: a camera shots quiz based on what we had learned in the previous class. The task was to create a visual story using various camera shots and angles to convey a narrative effectively. We were required to use 10 mandatory shots and had the option to include five additional shots of our choice.

To approach this project, I envisioned a story inspired by adventure and exploration. I chose two inanimate objects, a teddy bear (Teddy) and a pen (Pen), as the main characters. The story revolved around their journey across a study desk, discovering a hidden treasure. I aimed to use different camera shots to highlight key moments and emotions, making the story engaging and visually appealing.

Reflecting on my work, I believe I did well in effectively using each specific shot to contribute to the storytelling and convey the overall message. The shots were chosen to highlight key moments and emotions, making the story engaging. However, there are several areas where I could improve based on my own observations.

One of the main areas for improvement is the framing of the shots. For instance, some of the medium shots did not capture the characters as intended, and a few close-ups needed tighter framing to truly emphasize the details. Additionally, the point-of-view shot did not accurately represent the character's perspective. 

Another area for improvement is the clarity and sharpness of the shots. Some of the shots could have been clearer and better framed to enhance the visual storytelling. Experimenting with lighting and angles could add more depth and dimension to the scenes, making the story more visually compelling.

In conclusion, while I was able to effectively use various camera shots to tell a story, there are several areas where I need to improve. By paying closer attention to the framing and characteristics of each shot type, and experimenting with lighting and angles, I can enhance the quality of my visual storytelling. This assignment has been a valuable learning experience, and I look forward to applying these lessons in future projects.

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